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Providing solutions to increase nonprofit innovative, effectiveness & revenue in a changing and competitive 21st-century philanthropy + fundraising environment. 


    Designing and implementing creative + impactful fundraising strategies

Achieving results by empowering professionals and volunteer leaders


  • Major Gifts Strategies

  • Major Donor Identification

  • Donor Engagement

  • Fundraising Campaigns

  • Transatlantic Fundraising

  • Onsite + Virtual Facilitation

  • Impact Planning

  • Donor-Centered Web Surveys

  • Board Development

  • Executive Leadership Coaching 


Increase your fundraising through major gifts, campaigns, prospect identification +
donor engagement.

Fund Raise 4 Success


Donor-centered web surveys for major gifts, capital campaigns, and planned giving.

Maximize Fundraising!

Grow Your Donor Base!

Ask your donors
what matters!

Identify major gifts prospects -
engage your donors!

Virtual Donor Cultivation Events
empower fundraisers and nonprofit leaders to


  • cultivate donors, prospects, and alumni online,

  • build meaningful and memorable connections on Zoom and new Spatial Audio Sites, 

  • tap into innovation to deepen relationships,

  • transcend geographic boundaries & donors' busy schedules.

Nonprofit MBA Podcast

What Nonprofits Can Do Online to Cultivate Donors

As a guest of Stephen Halasnik and the Nonprofit MBA Podcast, Tanja Sarett shared how nonprofits can stay in touch with donors and alumni online, and create interactive and engaging opportunities to meet in the virtual space. Listen in to get ideas on how to build donor relationships in the absence of in-person events. 

Online Donor Engagement. Virtual Donor Engagement Events.

The Nonprofit Times

Value of Connecting Online

Virtual Donor Engagement Beyond The Webinar!

By Tanja Sarett, CFRE, CVF

Click to read the article published in the print edition of the Nonprofit Times!

Le Podcast Du Fundraising

Tanja Sarett in conversation with David Klajman in Paris

David Klajman, founder of Fidelis and Direct Response Specialist in France and Europe invited Tanja Sarett to talk about the culture of philanthropy in the United States and the opportunities for NGOs and charities in Europe to build personal relationships with donors and prospects.


Podcast in English - Click here!​

Your Experience.png

Spatial Audio Sites

How Jewish organizations can tap into spatial audio sites

Spatial audio sites are the newcomers on the “virtual gathering block” set out to empower users to co-create an online experience with the event hosts. 

The article was published on



  • LinkedIn

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